Isabelle Thill
Founder of Exhale Yoga Luxembourg

Although I am grateful to have been born in the perfect bubble which is Luxembourg, I have always been passionate about traveling to discover new cultures and explore the diversity of yoga styles.

Long before becoming a teacher myself, yoga was an essential part of my life. My very first teachers were Denise Pesch and Fredric Bender from Yoga La Source in Luxembourg and they both had a strong influence on me choosing the path of yoga. In 2004, I met Michael Hamilton, a South African Ashtanga yoga teacher, in Shanghai and he inspired me to take the next step and to enroll for the Sivananda Yoga Teacher’s training in India. Years later I received my certification as a Jivamukti Yoga teacher in New York.

After countless workshops, retreats, and teacher trainings, I am still under the spell of yoga. I am thankful for the precious tool of yoga, which saved my life more than once and makes me constantly grow. Diving deeper into the physical as well as the spiritual yoga practice is a never ending journey.

I have been blessed to meet the most incredible and inspiring mentors, all of them influenced my own teaching enormously.

Rolf Naujokat, who keeps my first love, Ashtanga yoga, alive. Dechen Thurman and Anja Kühnel, both vegan activists, introduced and awakened my love for Jivamukti Yoga. I bow down with gratitude to the founders of this method, Sharon Gannon and David Life. Cameron Shayne, creator of Budokon, taught me how to cultivate my inner warrior, to be fearless and take accountability for my acts. Duncan Wong, the most fabulous martial artist and yogi, showed me how to overcome my own limiting thoughts and believes to aim for the stars.

I discovered Vipassana meditation in South Africa and it became part of my daily routine.

After many years of having been a freelance yoga instructor, I created my first studio, yogaroom belair, in 2008, followed by yogaloft luxembourg in 2012. In 2016, I moved to Capetown, where I founded Exhale Yoga, a Jivamukti Yoga affiliated studio. During the years in South Africa, I set up Inhale Yoga, promoting selfless service, with a main goal to introduce yoga in local communities. I will keep the same spirit at Exhale Yoga Luxembourg and teach yoga classes on donations.

In 2020, I became resident teacher at the Jivamukti school in Paris.

The current health crises brought me back to my home country, where I created a new studio, Exhale Yoga, at my old address in Luxembourg-Merl. I hope to be able soon to continue organizing yoga retreats in India, South Africa and Provence. Capetown will always stay my second home, it keeps me humble.

Yoga gives me the courage to BE MY SELF and the strength to make the world a better place. There are no words to express my gratitude towards my two grown up children, who remain my most important teachers and all the committed yoga practitioners who crossed my path.

Resident team

David Cabezas Sánchez

Born in Caracas, David discovered Hatha Yoga in 2004 thanks to a friend with whom he shared his passion for skating.
From that moment on, he began to participate in different social and cultural movements with people at risk of social exclusion, with addiction problems, family abuse, etc.
It is in 2010 when he proposes to work for and for people continuously. He began as a musician in Yoga sessions with different instruments such as the Spanish guitar, Latin American flutes and the Afro-Brazilian Berimbau.
In 2015 David was invited by Ricardo Martin to travel to Thailand and trained as a teacher of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga (200 Hrs). He got certified by It’s Yoga International when he finished his 300Hrs Rocket Teacher Training. Then he lived in London where he practiced in Indaba Yoga Studio and thanks to Work and Change or Karma Yoga he got to know different styles of Yoga. David worked hand in hand with international teachers such as Ambra Vallo in Italy being granted with a Level 2 Advanced Teacher Training 100Hrs. He finished his complete Rocket® Yoga training being certified as a Rocket Teacher trainer facilitator by It’s Yoga 500 Hrs, the highest certificate of the It’s Yoga international school.
Later he moved to London where he had the opportunity to learn Dharma and Forrest Yoga from internationally renowned teachers such as Ambra Vallo.
In the last 6 years he has dedicated himself to teaching, transmitting and promoting the tools of Yoga by teaching special classes, workshops, trainings and Yoga immersions both online and face-to-face in Spain and around Europe. He has continued learning as a practitioner and teacher having the opportunity to be assistant professor in international teacher trainings in Spain and Italy.
He currently lives in Madrid and due to his more than 650 hours of training and experience, he is officially accredited by Yoga Alliance as E-RYT 500H, Rocket Yoga® teacher trainer facilitator and YACEP provider.

Yaryna Spilnyk

2015 was the year yoga entered my life. Ever since, it was a journey – up, down, or sometimes such an unbearable straight – but isn’t it the beauty of life? I believe yoga is the tool to magnify this beauty, to add the magic that is always around and within. “Learn what the magician knows and it’s not magic anymore,” said Richard Bach, yet I am here to help you learn and still see the magic. A few facts: I am a 200 RYT certified yoga teacher (2024), born in Ukraine, moved from sunny Madrid to fairytale Luxembourg in 2020, in love with backbends, pranayamas, and long shavasana. In my Hatha yoga classes, expect both energizing and calming sequences inviting you to go deeper into body sensations. And maybe a little challenge!

Leyli Schaber

My mission is to love, to learn and to teach. In that order.
Connecting with my students is essential for me. 
You learn a lot about yourself by practicing Yin-mentally, physically and spiritually.
My Yin classes are a judgment-free space to explore and I look forward to meeting you on your mat. 
Yin Yoga Alliance certification in February 2022

Dr. Warren Ashley

Warren is a trained medical doctor who became a specialist in internal medicine and cardiology. At the beginning of his medical career, he was introduced to Ayurveda – the traditional Indian art of healing. Fascinated by this holistic approach, he participated in a whole array of training courses and retreats, learning and exploring holistic methods and wisdom from all over the world. With great enthusiasm, he is now working as a holistic consultant focusing on solution-based approaches that support health in a humble, intuitive, and natural way. His focus is to empower people in taking responsibility for their health and to come into their strength in a natural way. Alongside with this Warren is also a passionate musician, singer and guitar player. With singing bowls from Nepal and other instruments he guides Sound meditation for individuals and for groups.

Visiting teachers


My love of yoga is a passionate journey which began when I first traveled to India over 25 years ago. I have always been an adventurer free spirit with a love of travelling, that has led me to experience teachings from all over the world .

I studied with the British Wheel of Yoga in London 2009, this being a very powerful transition in my life to make the changes to be able to do what I love. My journey has taken me to over 500 hrs Yoga Alliance and into the field of Ayurveda, where I trained in the Himalayas of India. My  international diploma for Ayurveda massage therapist is also being a branch of yoga.

One step leads to another, we never stop learning. In-between I was drawn to Reiki when realising I had the gift in the art of natural healing. In the past years of many learnings, Yoga, Ayurveda, Reiki have become my life .

I now divide my time between India my home , Europe and the UK, where I host yoga retreats /holidays and private bookings for holistic therapy treatments & Reiki courses where you can learn the art of natural healing to become a Reiki practitioner/ therapist. I feel very blessed to be living my life to do what I love and to be able to share this gift.

Always with love, compassion and trust. Namaste.

Dario Calvaruso

Dario Calvaruso is the conceiver and founder of Navakaraṇa®. He has taught extensively in India, Nepal, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, South Korea, Mongolia, Indonesia, Middle-east and Europe. Head of the Navakaraṇa Community, he has trained thousands of Navakaraṇa practitioners and teachers internationally.

Heterogeneous artist since a young age, Dario left Italy and his family when he was 21 on a journey of self-discovery and study of Yoga and Āyurveda to India, which lasted over 15 years. His first destination was Kāśi – The City Of Light (Benares, India). During this time, he began the study of  Āyurveda with his teacher Paṇḍit Har Govind Miśra. Only later was initiated to the practice of Tantric techniques of Haṭha-Yoga and Kriyā by Pandit Om Prakāśa. On an auspicious day, while having a bath at the Ganges in Benares, Dario met Swami Jñānānanda Bharati, who took him in his āśrama at Gangotri, the source of the Holy River Ganges living with Swamijī in the Himalayas about 4,000 m altitude.

Dario learnt Yoga in the orthodox tradition (guru-śiṣya paraṃparām) a unique experience, especially for a Westerner. As advised by his master, Dario took on a journey throughout the Indian subcontinent. He lived with sufis in Pakistan and later with sadhus in monasteries (āśrama-s) of the śiva-siddhānta tradition in Tamil Nadu. During the years he spent in Tamil Nadu, Dario studied and practised Karaṇas (the Art of Movement) and Bharataṇāṭyam (Indian Classical Dance) with Nāṭyācārya Vṛnda Rāmanan (Trichy). At that time he also studied Yoga Darśana (Yoga philosophy) with Prof. Śrī Rangasvāmi Sourirājan at the Śrīrangam Veda Pāṭha-Śāla (one of the most traditional and highly recognised centre of Vedic Studies). He was initiated and guided in the study of Sanskrit language by Prof. Śrī Rangasvāmi Tirunārāyaṇan (a well-know Indian scholar). In 2007 Dario started his own yoga āśrama at Srirangam (India), a city-temple and small island in the River Kaveri. Besides running the āśrama, Dario completed a period of academic studies on Yoga, Psychology, Counselling and Philosophy. Navakaraṇa Method came about spontaneously from his attempt to systematise different śāṣtra-s (traditional arts and sciences) into one holistic and comprehensive methodology for self-discovery, healing and transformation.

Dario has lived, studied and taught all over Asia. It was in Japan where he met the Fuke Grandmaster Fujiyoshi Etsuzan from whom he inherited and brought into Navakaraṇa the traditional Sui-Zen (traditional sound-meditation). Since 2017 Dario has incorporated zen melodies (shirabe), creating sound-mediation practices. In 2022 Dario established Navakaraṇa Kyorei, a gurukulam and āśrama for self-transformation and organic living in Yakushima, one of the Ōsumi Islands at the south of Japan (a UNESCO World Heritage site and Biosphere Reserve). His project “Navakaraṇa Kyorei” has attracted international attention from movie directors and the medias.

Dario conducts Workshops, Retreats and Teacher Training Courses on Navakaraṇa, Philosophy and Holistic Lifestyle internationally.

Duncan Wong

Born into a California family of yogis, mystic and artists, Duncan Wong began his life training as a kickboxer, wild biker and nature adventurist. A path that led him to the healing fields of yoga, bodywork and dance. After a life of intensive global teaching and 10 years of Asian residency and exploration with various masters, he now lives in the deep forest of Kyoto Japan where he raises his two sons with his Japanese family. Known as the creator and innovator of Modern Warrior Flow, which he originally named Yogic Arts™ to define the practice as a goal to the artistic expressions and states of yoga, Duncan’s unique and fluid practice combines the intelligence of yoga, the intuition of dance, the heart of martial arts, and the healing touch of massage, that has evolved into the name Flow Arts to best define its expansion that reaches far beyond the limits of classical yoga, into the realm of authentic organic self-expressed motion.

Duncan sensei integrated experience in the global fields of Astanga Vinyasa yoga, Buddhist martial arts, Zen meditation and Thai bodywork spans four decades. 10 years advanced Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga practice as taught by Sri K.P. Jois and Sharath Rangaswami in Mysore, India, California and New York City. 10 years Intensive Jivamukti yoga training as taught by Sharon Gannon and David Life in New York City. 10 years advanced Kuk Sool Won™ Korean Buddhist martial arts training and competitive combat as taught by Sun Im Kwahn Jang Nym, S. J. Suh at the San Francisco studio headquarters. 10 years of Siddha yoga Tantric Shavaism shaktipat studies as taught by Gurumayi Swami Chidvilasananda in California, New York and Ganeshpuri, India Ashrams. 20 years of ongoing transpersonal bodywork therapy with various masters across Asia and America.
He is a pioneer and globally leading proponent in the field of yogic flow motion dynamics that infuses the natural balance of mantra wisdom, warrior flow technology, urban modern dance rhythm and healing bodywork therapy. Many of today’s new generation star teachers have been fundamentally influenced by his early systematic cross core synthesis training research and innovation in the arenas of yoga and movement. His legacy lives through his ‘Yogic Løve Wârrior’ communities who share their passion for the Yogic Flow Arts practice under the guidance of Duncan sensei’s ongoing trainings. This expression of many wonderful yogis and yoginis who share the common thread of a practising profession and sustainable conscious lifestyle forms the power of this living system.

The Global Yogic Flow Arts Love Warrior Yogis form the foundation and expansion of this living international system. The practice was born from a lifetime of practice and investigation into the combined fields of healing, empowerment and Self-mastery, and continues to blossom and evolve with each student’s shared experience on the mat. Duncan‘s undying commitment to guide his students ‘inner standing’ into the path of excellence and eventually teaching skills via the awakening of peoples humanity and common strength through a down to earth practical approach to mindfulness and sustainable living.